NEWS : 2018
Friday 23rd
Band Night at The Basement Door
Tuesday 27th
YMCA Launch of the running of Hampton Youth Project – Groove Academy asked to show what we do in the studio for the Deputy Mayor and various dignitaries
Saturday 21st
Surrey Food Festival - Redshift Performing (Their prize for performing in the Battle of the Bands at TBD)
Saturday 9th
Hampton Carnival
(Music Festival in Hampton Square as part of the event).
Sunday 10th
The Hampton Wick Big Picnic
Saturday 16th
Hampton Hill Summer Fair
Sunday 24th
Teddington Village Fair
Saturday 7th
Hampton Junior School Fair & Barbecue (12 to 3pm)
Saturday 7th
St Margaret’s Summer Fair (11.45 to 12.30pm) -
Friday 20th
Groove Academy Summer Concert at The Basement Door

Jim Reed, former Groove Academy student has been having great success in the music industry. A talented young drummer, Jim joined us at just ten year's old. After attending The Brit School in Croyden, he launched his professional music career, drumming for various artists including Raye. Now, most recently, he has been touring with Rex Orange County. Whilst in the States, they were invited to perform on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show. Unfortunately I can't gain access to the video footage but here's a picture of them performing on the show.
Well done Jim!

The Basement Door (TBD) is a gig venue for young people. They offer training, volunteering and a safe space for young people to perform and watch bands.
Groove Academy have performed at this great venue several times now at various band nights and in the 2018 Battle of the Bands.

We've also had young people from Groove Academy volunteer at TBD, learning about sound and lighting, etc.
It's a great progression route for our older students as they move on in their musical journey.
We'll be holding our 2018 summer concert there on 20th July.
Redshift, the Groove Academy senior band, are playing at this fantastic event on Saturday 21st April. They received this great opportunity after performing in The Battle of the Bands 2018 at The Basement Door.
It promises to be a good day so check out the details below and come and join us on the 21st!

Music for Youth is a national youth arts charity working to provide young people aged 21 and under across the UK with free, life-changing performance and progression opportunities, regardless of background or musical style.
Established in 1970, their mission is simple: "we believe that music, and the chance to participate in high-quality musical activities, should be open to every young person".
Since 2008, Groove Academy have participated in the Music for Youth Regional Festival Series and have, on two occasions, reached the Music for Youth National Finals, in both 2008 and 2013. In 2008 we were also invited to perform in the School Proms 2008 at the Royal Albert Hall.
This year we entered three bands, Luna, Blue Shades and Redshift, into the Regionals. Luna and Blue Shades performed at the Ealing Christian Centre on 14th March, whilst Redshift, our senior band, sent in a recorded entry.
Billie, a former Groove Member who has had some considerable success in the music industry with yet another great performance (first video on the right)
The second video shows Billie being interviewed and performing an acoustic versions of one of her songs.
A very interesting listen.
Check out more of her music below.